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Check out our list of the top five best practices and tips to follow when creating a bit to submit to Buildbox World →

Tip No. 3 will level up your game design!

#gamedesign #tips #guide #buildbox #indiedev #gamedev

Need some motivation? These essential tips will help you stay motivated to see your game project all the way through →

#gamedev #indiegamedev #buildbox #tips #MondayMotivation

You can start making incredible 2D and 3D games for FREE today using Buildbox! Click here to learn more →

#buildbox #free #gamedev #indiedev #gamedesign #maker #indiegames

Ready to make your first 3D game? Here's a step-by-step guide →

#gamedesign #indiedev #tips #3dgames #gaming #videogames

Go back in time with Brooklyn Brawler, an old school arcade cabinet inspired beat’em up. Now available in the template library in Buildbox 3! Check it out here →
